Saturday, June 30, 2012


Ma journee de conge.  La journee entre la vie d'un interne et celle d'un resident.  La journee passee a freaker et a se demander si on va etre capable de faire la job.  Et je recois un appel de mon ami f! qui me dit qu'il arrive en ville dans 45 minutes pis qu'on va diner ensemble.  So so unexpected, such a nice fuckin surprise.

He's back

After my last call as an intern on Friday night, I met with the boys at the pub on the corner of the street.  He was breaking up with his girlfriend, she was being promoted, he was moving to a new place, we had lots to celebrate and drink about.  And after a million beers, all my drunk friends came to my place.
Not sure how the neighbor and I ended up alone when he said: "Is it ok if I sleep here?".

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Another crush

My attending is a 45-year-old, socially awkward, sarcastic weirdo who is scary and intimidating.
But he's kinda cute, has the most soothing voice and is so so so funny once in a while.  Obviously, I love him now.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Vendredi soir, c'etait l'urologue que je connais a peine qui me disait: "I remember the first time I saw you... it was in the ED one night".
Hier soir, c'etait mon partner de job qui a cree le moment fuckin awkward devant la porte de mon building quand j'essayais de lui dire bye sans le frencher.
Ce soir... well ce soir, je vais etre assise toute seule dans mon sofa a regarder des chick flicks.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


A l'hopital, devant son ordi, en regardant le resultat d'un CT scan et au telephone avec le cardiologue, le voisin me shoote: "Hey, why are you ignoring my girlfriend?"
Are you fuckin kidding me?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


My clinic patient totally asked me out to dinner today.  That was a first.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Barhopping night

Waking up next to a handsome half-naked guy is just awesome.
Awesome except when it's 6am, you have a headache, slept only 3 1/2 hours and have to go to work.